Which php framework is best for beginner ?

Which php framework is best for beginner ?

best php framework foe beginner

Do you want to learn php frameworks and you come from core php background ?

 Now you might be confuse that how to start learning frameworks but firstly , i recommend  you to  learn all concept of basic PHP and OOP Concept . 

Now if you done with basics now you ready to learn framework .

there are many frameworks available in market and they all have their own benefits , if you ask people, which framework is best ? there will be different answers then will confuse more .

As a beginner i recommend  you to start with codeigniter framework.


 Now you might be thinking why to start with codeignitor .

  •  Easy to learn .
  •  No restrictive coding rules.
  •  Clear documentation.
  • CodeIgniter encourages MVC, but does not force it on you.

After learning codeigniter you can for any framework you like .

  • Symfony 
  • Laravel 
  • Zend 
once you understand basic MVC will be capable of choosing framework , always try everything and pick what suits you.

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